Monday, August 25, 2008

This is Life

I've been here in Manila for almost a month now. Life with my boss is so exciting. I'm learning new things everyday. He teaches me how to be strong. He keeps on reminding me that life isn't this simple. We have to work hard in order to succeed in life.

Of course I know that already but his approach is different I could remember it all my life. He uses his experience to teach us. I believe in everything he has said because I know in my heart he's telling me the right thing.

I've seen him work night and day. He wouldn't let a day pass without accomplishing things. For him,time is gold and we have to treasure every moment of it. The clock is always ticking and it wouldn't stop even though how hard we try. We can't control it. It just keeps on ticking and ticking.

My boss has been a very good model for me. I guess he has always been for everybody. But there are people existing in this world who are not contented of their lives. They can't help but get envy with my boss' accomplishments. The reason why they keep on destroying my boss' reputation. They wanted him down.

But my boss has been optimistic all his life. He hates liars. He just feels sorry for those who envied him. They can't reach my boss. That's why they use the internet to destroy him. That's the saddest part of his life but he takes it positively.Still they can't pull him down.

Although my boss has been hurt,we can't say they succeed because the pain just didn't last.It is really different if what they're saying is true. Unfortunately for them,they failed.

Well this is life. Sometimes,we just have to be contented on what we have. And if we want more,we should work hard for it provided we're doing it in the right way. By the way,the boss I admire the most is named Ronald Flynn.
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